
Signs You Need a 改变职业


我们的事业是我们生活中最重要的组成部分之一. 来自经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的数据显示,美国经济增长放缓.S. employees spend on average 1,811 hours per year at their 工作, 这意味着工作几乎占了我们醒着的生活的四分之一.

我们的职业可以为我们提供收入、稳定和目标. But what happens when our careers no longer meet our needs? It’s more common than you think. 哈里斯民意调查(Harris Poll)最近的一项调查发现,超过一半的美国员工正在考虑换工作. 

如果你渴望尝试新事物,这可能是你需要换工作的信号. 幸运的是,你并不孤单——还有许多潜在的选择供你探索. 

What Are the Signs You Need a 改变职业?

People decide to change their careers for all types of reasons, 为应对大流行而发生的大规模工作转变创造了更多的就业机会. 以下是一些你需要换工作的最常见迹象: 

  • 激情与兴趣: 随着时间的推移, 你可能会发现新的兴趣,或者意识到你目前的工作与你真正的激情并不相符. 你可能会选择一个与你的兴趣和价值观更有共鸣的新职业.
  • 就业市场变化: As industries evolve due to technological advancements, 全球化, 市场需求, some professions might shrink while others grow. 为了确保你的就业能力,你可以考虑换一个增长型行业.
  • 个人成长: 长时间呆在一个领域有时会导致停滞. To find new opportunities that can lead to personal growth, you may want to seek the challenges of a new career.
  • 生活方式的原因: 你目前的职业需求可能与你期望的工作与生活平衡不一致, especially if your personal situation has recently changed. Switching careers can be a way to achieve a better balance.
  • 收入及福利: A desire for an improved earning potential, 更好的福利, 或者更多的工作保障可以引导你去探索更稳定的职业.
  • 精力枯竭: A high-stress job or a job with long hours can lead to burnout. 这可能会促使你寻找一份对精神和身体都不那么费力的工作.
  • 组织变更: 合并, 收购, 重组, or layoffs might reduce your job security, leading you to consider other career paths.
  • 对意义的渴望: You may feel that your current job lacks purpose or meaning. 你可能会寻求转行,找一份更符合你个人价值观或想要有所作为的工作.
  • 技能与优势: 随着时间的推移, 你可能会意识到你的优势和技能更适合不同的职业.
  • 工作环境: Dislike for your current work culture, 工作环境, 或者同事可以激励你换工作,以找到更好的文化契合度.
  • 健康原因: You might need to switch careers due to health issues, 选择一个对身体要求不高或更适合你健康需要的职业.
  • Personal Transformation: 人生大事, such as a traumatic experience, 人生的里程碑, 或者是个人的顿悟, can lead you to reevaluate your life choices, including your choice of a career.

Regardless of the reason, 换工作是一个重要的决定,通常需要反思, 研究, 和再培训. 这是值得的, 然而, 因为它可以增加你职业生涯的满足感和成就感.

Potential Benefits of a 改变职业

虽然转行需要时间和精力,但结果可能会对你的生活产生革命性的影响. 转行的个人可能会获得以下好处: 

  • Increased job satisfaction 
  • Improved earning potential
  • Better work-life balance 
  • Improved health and well-being 
  • 加强工作保障 
  • 重新激情 
  • 成就感 

Options for Your 改变职业

If you’re planning to switch careers, you may need to pursue additional education and training, 获得新技能和资格向雇主证明你具备成功所需的条件. 虽然职业培训需要投入时间和金钱, 许多负担得起的, 灵活的, accelerated options are available, 所以你很可能会找到一个适合你的预算和生活方式. 以下是一些你可以考虑转行的新兴领域: 


熟练的交易 包括电气设备, 焊接, 和加热, 通风, 空调, refrigeration trades. 这种类型的工作提供了不需要大学学位就有稳定工作的机会. 

According to data from PeopleReady 熟练的交易, 超过770人,000 skilled trade job openings from nearly 95,仅从2023年初开始,就有1000个不同的雇主发布了招聘信息. 加上U.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计电工的工作岗位将增加, 暖通空调-R力学, welders will increase by 5% between 2021 and 2031. 

Medical Technologist and Technician

Medical technologists and technicians 专业人员的角色是否横跨整个医疗保健领域. 的se specialized roles are in areas that include: 

  • 外科手术技术 
  • 放射技术 
  • 药学技术人员 
  • Sterile processing technician 
  • 医学实验室技术员 
  • Cardiovascular technology 

Commercial Truck Driving

商用卡车司机是供应链系统的骨干, which means they are consistently in demand. 个人有 commercial driver’s license (CDL) 可以在当地工作, 州内的, or interstate capacities, allowing them to choose from a variety of lifestyles. 

预计到2031年,重型卡车和牵引拖车司机的就业人数将增长4%, with an average of about 260,000 job openings expected to be available each year, 根据美国劳工统计局. 

Your 改变职业 Is Within Reach

If the signs you need a career change are mounting, then it’s probably time to consider making a switch. 国家认可和认可的职业培训英国正版365官方网站 Fortis Colleges and Institutes 帮助过成千上万像你这样的人找到更好的工作吗. Fortis offers training for 熟练的交易, medical technologist and technician, 商业驱动 工作. Explore the program that’s right for you today! 

Choosing a Surgical Specialty Area as a Surgical Technologist
的 Importance of Soft Skills in an 暖通空调 & 制冷事业

Cision PR通讯社, “As Skilled Labor Scarcity Continues, “人们准备好熟练的行业支持和庆祝行业职业”
Fast Company, “Is Now a Good Time to Change 职业生涯s? More Workers Are Feeling Good 关于 It”
Fox Business, “Blue Is the New White? 劳动力市场向熟练贸易工人的突然转变是蓝领工作的胜利 
Payscale, Average Medical Technologist Hourly Pay 
U.S. 劳工统计局,临床实验室技术人员和技术人员 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Electricians 
U.S. 劳工统计局,供暖,空调和制冷机械和安装
U.S. 劳工统计局,重型和拖拉机拖车司机
U.S. 劳工统计局,焊工,切割机,焊工和钎焊工